"Today I could cry with happiness. I have just spoken with A's school and they say they are really happy with A since returning back to school, he has settled well and is working better. I started homeopathy in July but the results are now starting to show. He is better at home and on his school transport. Home is calmer, school is calmer and transport is calmer. So much has changed in only a couple of months and I do believe homeopathy and diet is playing a massive part in his behaviour. I have tried diet on its own more than once and it didn't work so I sway now towards homeopathy and diet combined. I think it also helps that he is not transitioning between classrooms all the time at school he is in one class all day with the same teachers.....much has changed and I am starting to have a little hope now for the future."
– L.M, UK


"Over the last decade Lois has support me, and my families, through a variety of life obstacles and ailments. Lois is my first port of call for holistic health. She is a fantastic healer with the best bedside manner I have ever seen. Lois has supported me through sports headaches, mouth ulcers, sports injury, muscle tightness, Chronic fatigue and nervous system support through grief. When I was at my worst with chronic fatigue, cluster headaches and strange ailments the remedy Lois offered brought me so much comfort, offered me hope and eased my pain to get through the difficult times. She has educated me on holistic health and I am a stronger more vital person thanks to her support and wisdom. Thank you Lois :)
For me, Lois is my bench mark of a healer with her manner, knowhow and delicate and sensitive approach to holistic wellbeing."
– M.V, London UK
"Lois is a wonderful and passionate homeopath who has done so much to help me and my two children. Both my children suffered from chronic illnesses. My daughter was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (neuroblastoma) at 18 months and was given only 20 percent chance of survival. She is now 16 and a very happy, healthy girl. Two years ago however at her routine yearly check up her blood tests indicated that she was going into early menopause due to all the very toxic high dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy that she went through at the Royal Marsden.
I was advised by the doctor to put her straight on HRT and that it was unlikely she would get her period or be fertile enough to conceive a child. I didn’t want to put her straight on HRT or tell her she was in menopause and would probably never conceive children.
Lois was amazing in putting together a great protocol for her to clear the chemotherapy and radiotherapy and to help support her endocrine system. Within a few days of her starting she got her period and her blood results a few months later dropped from 98 FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) to 3 (best score possible). She has been getting regular periods with only a couple of missed ones which I believe was down to exam stress.
Lois has also been incredibly dedicated in helping my son Finley who regressed into severe Autism at 18 months after his routine immunisations. He had so many co morbid medical conditions such as severe constipation and allergies to most foods and was a very sick end unhappy boy. When I found Lois I was working with another homeopath who had prescribed very high doses of remedies for my son which caused him to become extreme hyper. He was constantly climbing onto the cupboard in the kitchen and would high pitch scream from the moment he woke up to the moment he went to bed. This behaviour went on for several months so by the time I met Lois my nerves were frazzled and I was exhausted. I was also very ungrounded, having daily panic attacks and was suffering from anxiety and depression due to the trauma of raising two chronically ill children on my own after I split from my ex husband.
She could see straight away that Finley and I are extremely sensitive to homeopathic remedies and that the doses that the previous homeopath had prescribed were too high for us and therefore causing a lot of aggravation. She prescribed LM drops in a low potency which I could take daily to bring down my anxiety. She also calmed Fin down so he wasn’t wired and I have her to thank for the fact he went from only sleeping a few hours a night and waking up agitated and screaming in pain to 12 hours a night and waking up happy and rested. He had been a great sleeper for the past 10 years now which any Autism parent will tell you is priceless.
Lois is also an expert on Asyra testing and has done hair tests on my children to produce incredibly detailed reports which determine the key stressors in the body to work on (heavy metals, gut issues or food sensitivity etc).
I can’t thank her enough for all she has done for my family over the past 8 years and I can highly recommend her."
– M.E, London UK
"Lois helped me change my life for the better and I honestly do not know how I would have got through all the things I have without her. She is not only very knowledgable in homeopathy and natural health but she is one of the most kind, caring, authentic and understanding people I know.
Lois helped me ‘balance my hormones’ and prevent a recurrence of my breast cancer and she prescribed homeopathic remedies and advice on stress release when we were having some difficulties conceiving our Son.
Lois then supported me through pregnancy with a personalised homeopathic ‘birth kit’ which she made up for me with remedies very specific for me, my body and my birth. When our Son was born, Lois helped with remedies to increase my breast milk production and also for colic remedies for our Son. Our Son also had several cranial sacral sessions with Lois after his birth where we saw instant, noticeable changes in him.
After all appointments and being prescribed remedies, Lois always checked in to see what was working well and what not so well and adapts accordingly. I have always felt in very safe hands and she is always our families first port of call with any health issues we have. We would not hesitate to recommend Lois, she is amazing."
– A.V, UK
We started treatment with Lois Duquesnoy in Feb 2020 for my son who was 4.3 years at the time.He was showing lot of behaviour problems like no focus and attention,hyperactive always on the go, no interest in writing /learning in academics and was non verbal.
I can say honestly Lois changed our life from my son who was non verbal and now can say numbers till 1 to 20,alphabets,colors and can repeat all words not only in English also in two other Indian languages.His functional words are also improving day by day.
Till June 2020 my son was not even able to hold pencil however now can trace his name,numbers and alphabets independently.His cognitive skills have developed massively where his speech therapist mentioned he can build a sentence using colorful semantics.
His receptive understanding has improved and can follow two - three step instruction.We still have some issues which we are dealing and assume it will definitely get better in next few months at that time will write more about his improvement in our healing journey.
- L.N, London UK
We cannot thank Lois enough for her continued, compassionate support through P's Chronic Fatigue. We were referred to Lois when we were on the NHS waiting list with 6 months to wait. P, then 15, had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue following a cold virus, and was finding it difficult to even move around the house.
With her insight and knowledge, P slowly started to improve over the months. We changed his diet and gave him supplements along side the homeopathic remedies, all directed and planned by Lois. Our regular check ups saw P go from limited 10 minutes of input to being on the call for an hour.
Their support was a life saver for me as a Mum - it helped me understand how to be patient and know how best to help P.
Peter is now back in school full time and enjoying life to the full. His recovery has taken patience and determination but we are so very thankful care and advice we received from Lois.
- G. S. London